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    economy 結果共115筆

  • Taiwan divided on prospects of NT$6,000 cash rebate

    The Taiwanese government recently announced that citizens will receive a one-off NT$6,000 cash payment due to a national tax revenue surplus, but public opinion remains divided on whether this would actually help locals and their businesses.  
    2023/01/10 20:16
  • Taiwan may see interest rate hikes in first quarter of 2023

    Taiwan Central Bank Governor Yang Chin-long hinted at a new round of interest rate hikes in the first quarter of 2023, after raising interest rates by another 12.5 basis points in December this year.
    2022/12/31 07:00
  • Taiwan’s excess tax revenue unable to reduce national debts

    The Ministry of Finance (MOF) estimates that Taiwan will see an excess tax revenue of NT$450 billion this year.
    2022/12/26 18:43
  • Taiwan’s per capita income on track to surpass Japan in 2022

    As the pandemic situation stabilizes in Taiwan, restaurants and department stores are once again filled with shoppers and gourmets on weekends.
    2022/12/21 17:05
  • Experts predict dim economic outlook for Taiwan in 2023

    For many office workers in Taiwan, it’s getting more and more expensive to get take-outs as the daily cost of their lunches often falls between NT$200 and NT$300.
    2022/12/20 18:08
  • Taiwan’s high purchasing power parity conceals disparity

    As the pandemic subsides in Taiwan, business is slowly resuming back to normal. 
    2022/12/09 02:40
  • Cost of living in Taiwan continues to rise

    According to a survey conducted by a local job bank, 49.1% of enterprises in Taiwan are pessimistic about the economy in 2023, while 23.5% said they are optimistic.
    2022/12/05 22:54
  • Taiwan exports remain low in 4th quarter

    Global inflation, soaring interest rates, the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian War, and the slowdown of China’s economy are leading factors in why Taiwan is seeing low export numbers in the 4th quarter of 2022.
    2022/11/22 11:57
  • Wenchi Yu expects China to continue ‘wolf warrior diplomacy’

    The 20th Communist Party Congress produced intense media coverage last week as we tried to understand the leadership transition in the world’s second-largest economy. The process will have lasting impacts on China’s economic and foreign policies moving forward, according to TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu.
    2022/10/26 10:19
  • Taiwan allocates NT$200 million for Arts Fun vouchers

    Taiwanese youth above 18 years old will likely receive NT$1,200 worth of Arts Fun vouchers as early as next year to encourage them to spend on arts and culture, according to the Ministry of Culture.
    2022/10/25 19:54
  • Taiwan chipmakers hit hard by U.S. export controls to China

    At the annual Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association (TSIA) convention held in Hsinchu on Wednesday (Oct. 19), TSMC Chairman Mark Liu said little on recent reports of waning demand due to the weakening global economy and trade conflicts between the U.S. and China.
    2022/10/20 17:32
  • Taiwan startup creates app for collecting garbage at home

    Most people in Taiwan have had the experience of waiting for or running after garbage trucks after a long day of work. 
    2022/10/05 08:30
  • 非典型散工經濟 英名導究「共享齒輪下最小螺絲」

    雙十一促銷即將登場,我們透過英國電影大師肯·洛區第14度入圍坎城影展的新片,關懷物流業的一種底層人物──快遞司機,思考在Gig Economy(散工經濟)趨勢之下,因應科技發展加景氣差而衍生出的「共享概念」、「獨立承包商」,是否真能替窮苦小人物帶來生命的契機?導演肯·洛區近年來觀察到這些人因此被更沉重的工作壓得喘不過氣,十分努力卻陷入更困苦的狀態,原本認為不再次執導筒的他繼續拍出勞工的悲慘運途,電影今年在坎城影展首映,感動全影廳的觀眾
    2019/11/08 20:04
  • 【FOCUS新聞】合租屋?這沒什麼 合用車!分享經濟

    經濟大環境不好,人們為了省錢,在世界各地衍生出不少新創行業,廚藝好的人,乾脆在自己家開席,煮飯給陌生人吃賺外快,或是把家裡的車,當作計程車載客,一天能有6000台幣的進帳,這些分享式的經濟活動(Sharing Economy),有個共通特性,就是透過網路號召,尋找同好,而這股分享風潮,也吹進了上流社會,往昔象徵身分地位的私人飛機、遊艇,現在富豪們流行共同持有,一起分享。
    2013/11/18 21:27
  • 【FOCUS新聞】「不用的」出租獲利 閒置發揮最大價值

    「創造收入」這是什麼意思?如果說手法是「共享經濟 Sharing Economy」這樣是不是就比較容易懂了,舉例說,鼓勵人們把閒置的資產、用品出租出去,創造收入,家中不用的電鑽、空著的房間、上班時間空出的家中車位,甚至是你車上的空座位,你都可以出租獲利,藉由共享,人們擁有的東西又變成商品,發揮最大價值。
    2013/06/03 21:45
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